Fix WSL Vim Font Issue on Windows 10


After installed Vim on wsl, I found that the display font changed to SimSun(A very ugly font) when I open Vim.

I tried to use :set guifont font-name but it didn’t work at all, it annoyed me a lot. The hatred of Windows-fucking-bug-10 had seen absolute growth. :( What the fuck?!


Fourtunately, I found a solution by editing Registry on Windows 10.

It’s fucking working now. Fuck! I do not judge Windows 10, but I’ve wasted a lot of time solving these sort of egg-painful things!

Once for All Solution

Command line on Windows is incurable, anything has done is just a waste of time. The best solution is just use Cmder instead.

Besides, I suggest you to use zsh instead of Powershit(Powershell) or cnm(cmd).

After installed zsh, oh-my-zsh on your WSL, append following scripts to your ~/.bashrc file.

bash -c zsh

And set {WSL::bash} as the default shell of cmder.

Now enjoy your new fantastic terminal. :)
